
Woke up and it was raining. Now if you know me, if I can even sniff the faint scent of impending rain, I will cancel all of my plans.  I’ll fake sick. I’ll actually be productive with cleaning or doing homework. I’ll even blame it on the dog, “Oh, Chessie is needy, sorry.” But, honestly, if I don’t have to drive, then I care less. I did wake up, staring at my phone, “If Celena texts me within 10 minutes, I’ll get up and go to Brewnuts,” I said from the comforts of my thick and heavy comforter, having no present intention to move. Lo and behold, 9 minutes later, I get the glorious text from Celena. So off we adventured…

i havent evolved from the awkward kindergarten poses sorry

Enter Brewnuts, love child of two Clevelanders who apparently loved doughnuts (seriously… is it donuts or doughnuts?) and decided to infuse craft beer into their baked goodies. 100% here for it. I have not been to this area of Cleveland, but I always did want to try out the infamous Brewnuts. If you know me, I’m not really a beer or doughnut fan, but the combination of the two just sounds almost too good to pass up. Ask me about the time I went to the Urban Winery with their wine doughnut holes. I’ll even buy you a drink at the Winery while I tell you about it. Very Meta, right?

Hibiscus Limade was 10/10

Now, I really should have gotten the Dark Chocolate Coffee and Strawberry… but I realized I can’t do the “-egan” lifestyle anymore, unless there is a “not” right in front of it. So I’m back to Paleo-ish. Yes, -ish. I make exceptions for speciality items… like beer infused doughnuts. Check back Lent 2018, I’ll be back on my Seagan/maybe plant based Vegan lifestyle.

#NiceForWhat You’re welcome, Drake

But first, we had to get the mood started. Who doesn’t love Drake’s “Nice for What?” Popped in that dollar and got to play Drake AND Nicki’s “Barbie Tingz” all at 9:45 in the morning. It’s never too early to jam out while drinking a beer. Maybe except in the Bible belt… Eh.

What I did get though… Key Lime Pie Filled and the Hibiscus Limade. Celena and Sam got the Reeses Puffs with Nutella and the Coff Toff.

the pink: hibiscus limade
cuckoo for coc… wait, reeses puffs!

Sometimes I wish I was a chocolate person, but I prefer floral and fruity, but not too sweet. The Hibiscus Limade was PERFECT. Not too sweet but still full of flavor. The Key Lime was great for the first bite, but all of that sugar… Of course, I was full within 3 bites. I’m not a sugar person, but I can shamelessly eat a bag of kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips with popcorn without ever getting full. Now, what would be great, are craft doughnut holes. Then I can try 5-6 different flavors before my sugar migraine kicks in.

eye donut see you, ha ha ha.

I really only bought two doughnuts just to take this picture. That’s really it. I still have my other doughnut sitting right next to me as I’m writing this post. Saving it for my post-thesis breakfast. Yes, because my thesis will be done in the morning. I hope this sugar rush will get me through the remaining pages I have left. Oh, didn’t snap a pic, but I was drinking the Rose Ale Cidergeist. It is now my new favorite beer/cider of choice. It was a “Bubbles-Mosa” so just the beer with some orange juice. Nothing special. But still great.

Until next time! If you have any suggestions on where I should venture next, let me know.

#donut mess wi… get it, get it?